1. Describe the service(s) you would like to order, as well as the city and country (for 6 months or 1 year term):
2. Name to accept mail under:
3. Mail forward frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc):
4. Name to forward mail to you:
5. Address:
6. City & Postal Code:
7. Country:
8. Phone (optional):
9. If ordering voice mail/fax line, what email would you like them to go to?
10. If ordering a call forward line, what number do you need calls diverted to?
11. Special Instructions:
12. Payment Method: Check below for your preferred method of remittance: Once we receive your completed order form we'll email you the remittance details.
Western UnionMoneygramBank Wire TransferSkrill.comPayPal
13. How did you hear about us?
14. E-mail address*:
Please INCLUDE your e-mail address to contact you regarding this order. Thank you
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